The Blog

WEEKEND PRIMER – Audax – A Post From The Archives

For those of you considering some of our longer rides this year, please take a moment to read the following blog entry from our archives. Before ColVelo, Both Will and I posted our thoughts and views on all things bike related through various online outlets. ColVelo will be attending the Wormingford Dragon Audax in March… Read more


Saturday 24th January 2015 Following recent cancellations the ColVelo Collective were excited by the predicted weather forecast for Saturday 24th January, 2015. Six degrees Celsius and winter sun all of the day, what a fantastic opportunity to get up and out! At 0830 we left Velo, the main roads leading out of Colchester were great, nearly dry… Read more


In the week immediately following the New Year, our Sunday ride was foiled by some particularly wintery conditions. A sharp frost left the roads coated in ice following the deluge on the Saturday. Ice and rain, two of the three foes we encounter throughout our winter. This weekend it was the turn of the wind…. Read more

Weekend Ride Reports – 3rd & 4th January 2015

Saturday 3rd January 2015. The first ride of the new year. Never an easy prospect if the weeks preceding have involved a whole heap of festive excess. Many will have attempted, and some even completed the Festive 500. Chapeau to you. Many didn’t. And three quarters of the riders in attendance on Saturday had been… Read more

The ColVelo Collective in 2015 – Three Countries, Three Challenges

Following a successful start for the ColVelo Collective, we thought it would be prudent to put down in brief some of our plans for 2015. For nearly two months we have been running regular Saturday and Sunday rides starting and finishing at Velo! Cycling & Coffee. The plan is to continue our staple weekend rides throughout December,… Read more