The Blog

Weekend Ride Reports – 3rd & 4th January 2015

Saturday 3rd January 2015. The first ride of the new year. Never an easy prospect if the weeks preceding have involved a whole heap of festive excess. Many will have attempted, and some even completed the Festive 500. Chapeau to you. Many didn’t. And three quarters of the riders in attendance on Saturday had been… Read more

The ColVelo Collective in 2015 – Three Countries, Three Challenges

Following a successful start for the ColVelo Collective, we thought it would be prudent to put down in brief some of our plans for 2015. For nearly two months we have been running regular Saturday and Sunday rides starting and finishing at Velo! Cycling & Coffee. The plan is to continue our staple weekend rides throughout December,… Read more

No Ride Report – Foiled by the First Day of Winter!

No ride report as such this weekend as Saturdays intended route was cut short due to some very icy roads. Three riders found out the hard way coming off the bike on a stretch of road between Tolleshunt Major and Heybridge.  The speed and force with which we hit the deck was sobering. No time… Read more

In Brief – Saturday 29th / Sunday 30th November 2014 – Ride Report

Saturday 29th November As early as 06:30am on Saturday 29th November, from all of the surrounding areas of Colchester, you could hear a loud cheer. The ColVelo Collective awoke to a sound unfamiliar in recent times, silence! No patter of rain, no howling of wind. Dry roads and the sun was about to shine. The… Read more

In Brief – Saturday 22nd / Sunday 23rd November 2014 – Ride Report

Saturday: 22/11/14 With Velo! Cycling & Coffee back open following a coffee machine service, the ColVelo Collective congregated at 08:00 hours on a wet and mucky Saturday morning. Due to the inclement weather and a scheduled 160 km ride, numbers were less than previous weeks. Last minute, the brave attendees decided that 125 km would… Read more